
Fallout shelter mods pc steam
Fallout shelter mods pc steam

fallout shelter mods pc steam

Weaponsmith Extended This mod adds a ton of weapons. If the junk components aren't showing up like in the picture below then find the Valdacil plugin ( ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkBetter+DEF_INV.esp) and put it lower in your plugin list. Overwrite Valdacil's Item Sorting and Gold Kit for Color Pipboy. Select the Colored option if using Gold Kit for Color Pipboy. Gold Kit for Color Pipboy(OPTIONAL: Only if you want to have a colored inventory menu.) On the next menu select I already have sorting xml files. (Make sure to select your correct screen ratio.) Next menu select Use Sorting Mod Component Tags. On the next menu only select Better Junk + DEF_INV to have the junk components show up on your HUD like the picture below. Select one of the pre-made options such as Val's Picks (DLC Version) as well as Customize. Valdacil's Item Sorting, DEF_UI, Gold Kit PipBoy and UPDATEICONSLIB2 Installation order: Install Mo Betta Junk and Logical Junk Weight first. Make sure to read the instructions and compatibility of each mod before installing. This list is ordered alphabetically and by Nexus categories, it's not necessarily the recommended install order. Uninstall all your current mods and Fallout 4 (Delete the Fallout 4 folder left behind) then reinstall the game and have at it. If you're planning on installing a bunch of these mods at once I'd recommend a clean install first.

fallout shelter mods pc steam

It will help with downloading multiple mods by greatly speeding up the process, plus you're helping out a great site.Ī huge thank you to all the mod creators out there who make this great game even greater.

fallout shelter mods pc steam

Think about getting a Nexus Mods premium membership, even if just for a month.

fallout shelter mods pc steam

Also leave a comment if you have any issues or want to recommend a mod not on this list. To quickly search the list for changes press CTRL F and in the search box type either NEW MOD or UPDATED and use the arrows to search. I'll make sure to highlight any changes ( NEW MOD, UPDATED). This guide will be expanding and changing as I find new or better mods to add to the list. Over two hundred mods I've collected to enhance your game play experience.

Fallout shelter mods pc steam